Understand Azure AD Connect cloud sync

Azure AD Connect cloud sync는 사용자 및 그룹, 연락처를 Azure AD에 동기화하기 위한 Hybrid Identity를 달성하도록 설계된 Microsoft의 새로운 제품입니다. Azure AD Cloud Provisioning Agent를 사용하여 이 작업을 수행합니다. Azure AD Connect와 함께 사용할 수 있으며 다음과 같은 이점이 있습니다:

Azure AD Connect cloud sync를 사용하면 AD에서 Azure AD로의 프로비저닝이 Microsoft Online Services에서 오케스트레이션됩니다. 조직에서는 Azure AD와 AD 간의 브리지 역할을 하는 경량 에이전트로 온-프레미스 또는 IaaS 호스팅 환경에만 배포하면 됩니다. 프로비저닝 구성은 Azure AD에 저장되고 서비스의 일부로 관리됩니다.

Comparison between Azure AD Connect and cloud sync

  Azure Active Directory Connect sync Azure Active Directory Connect cloud sync
Connect to single on-premises AD forest
Connect to multiple on-premises AD forests
Connect to multiple disconnected on-premises AD forests  
Lightweight agent installation model  
Multiple active agents for high availability  
Connect to LDAP directories  
Support for user objects
Support for group objects
Support for contact objects
Support for device objects  
Allow basic customization for attribute flows
Synchronize Exchange online attributes
Synchronize extension attributes 1-15
Synchronize customer defined AD attributes (directory extensions)
Support for Password Hash Sync
Support for Pass-Through Authentication  
Support for federation
Seamless Single Sign-on
Supports installation on a Domain Controller
Support for Windows Server 2016
Filter on Domains/OUs/groups
Filter on objects’ attribute values  
Allow minimal set of attributes to be synchronized (MinSync)
Allow removing attributes from flowing from AD to Azure AD
Allow advanced customization for attribute flows  
Support for password writeback
Support for device writeback Customers should use Cloud Kerberos trust for this moving forward
Support for group writeback  
Support for merging user attributes from multiple domains  
Azure AD Domain Services support  
Exchange hybrid writeback  
Unlimited number of objects per AD domain  
Support for up to 150,000 objects per AD domain
Groups with up to 50,000 members
Large groups with up to 250,000 members  
Cross domain references
On-demand provisioning  
Support for US Government